Creating my ideal world

Hey there, it's great to have you here! My name is Alex, and I'm on a mission to find alternatives to the restricted lifestyle of the matrix. My goal is to live freely, in accordance with my values, and motivate others to do the same. I purchased a piece of land in Costa Rica, which I’ve named Avalon, after the legendary island of empowerment and magic. Avalon is destined to become a haven for people from all walks of life, a place where the wonders of permaculture are revealed, and a spark ignites for a brighter world. Join me in this extraordinary adventure!


Connecting cultures

Avalon is located at the edge of the Talamanca BriBri Indigenous Reserve, known for its primary rainforest, and cultural significance. The BriBri, the native inhabitants of this region, have historically relied on the sustainable use of natural resources to uphold ecological, cultural, and social values. At Avalon, we are honored to collaborate with the indigenous community to promote ecotourism and sustainability in the region, with a focus on redirecting tourism revenue to support local initiatives.


Joining forces

At Avalon, we’re a diverse team driven by our profound passion for regenerative living, permaculture, and personal renewal. With a rich blend of cultural backgrounds and extensive skill sets, we’re united in our mission to create a space that inspires and empowers individuals to live the life they’ve always dreamt of. Our vision is to spark creativity and equip people with the tools to harmonize with nature, no matter where they are.


Learning and teaching permaculture

Permaculture is a way of living that aims to regenerate the planet for future generations. It is based on observing and imitating natural ecosystems, which are self-sufficient and produce no waste. Permaculture principles extend beyond gardening or sustainable living and include social justice and equity. Tropical permaculture is built on the knowledge and practices of indigenous communities, who have been living in harmony with nature for centuries. At Avalon, we continuously learn and incorporate traditional knowledge and practices of indigenous communities into our homestead and our permaculture education program.


Inspiring regenerative living

Permaculture is a gateway to sustainable, harmonious living with nature. It’s more than just gardening or farming; it’s a way of life, urging us to make mindful choices that nurture our planet and its inhabitants. The beauty of permaculture is that it can be applied to all aspects of life, not just farming or gardening. Whether you’re in a big city or surrounded by nature, you can integrate permaculture principles into your daily routine. Let us inspire you and provide accessible resources to shape a world that’s better for everyone.



The political dimension of permaculture: Nurturing sustainable change

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Constructing Avalon’s First Building: The story behind our beloved place

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Books to Inspire Your Regenerative Living Journey: Our best recommendations

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